Saturday, January 10, 2015

#12 The Forbidden Of Jamma:PT 2~

Waking up with my friends,all I see is darkness and...water?

Violet:Ugh...Where are we and why are we wet??

Crystal:I'm not sure but I don't think we can get back up now...

Flynn:C-c-can we at l-least find our way o-o-out of here?? *Hides behind Violet*

Luke:I think I can see something over there it could be a way out...

We walked and walked and then we saw a dark figure moving...

Flynn:W-w-w-what was t-that!?

Agle:Probably nothing...


Heather:I don't think Flynn was joking...


Logan:What the?

???:Hehehe Hello!

Crystal:Who are you and what are you??

Flynn:Is i-i-it a m-m-m-monster?!

???:Hehehe Nope!I'm a Portaller! (Por-te-lar)

Crystal:A Portaller?

Randy:Whoa I didn't know they were real!Portallers are cute creatures that has the ability to teleport!And I'm not sure what's her name...

???:My name is Leller (Lela is how you pronounced it...Lol I dont know)

Crystal:Oh,what are you doing out here?

Leller:Well,I followed you guys and the Chief needs your help!

Will:The Chief?

Leller:He has you hold powers of The Great! *Grabs Crystal's paw* Come on!


Crystal:Uh....So you wanted to see us,Mr.Chief?

Chief:Ah yes....*cough* I see you're the owner that gem your wearing..

Crystal:You mean the amulet?

Chief:This amulet used to belong to one of the guardians of elementals

Violet:Guardian of the Elementals?Like the first to have powers?

Chief:Yes,exactly,you see I have something you might need for your travels

Chief:This is the gem,The Emerald

Logan:Whoa.....What's it for?

Chief:I,am not sure either,but it says that it brings you power or helps you in defeating evil!

Luke:Is there a story behind it?

Chief:Yes there it,you see a long time ago...There was a battle between the phantoms and the chosen ones with powers,after the battle was over the chosen ones found gems the phantoms stole.They hid it so no one will find it..But apparantely,we found the gem in one of my portaller's house.And I think you should have this

Crystal:But why us?

Chief:Because you are the destiny...

Agle:Hey uh what time is it?

Heather:*gasp* We better get back home.Our parents are gonna kill us!

Chief:I will teleport you all back home safely...

Leller:I'm gonna miss you all even if we met for like only 2 hours

Crystal:We're gonna miss you too Leller

Chief:*Teleports Crystal and her friends*

Crystal:Huh?Wow back home already?Better get some sleep and figure out what this gem means....

Today was strange and I guess my curiosity grows even more....I wonder what THIS is all about...An invasion of something,perhaps?

From Your Snow Leopard,


Monday, December 15, 2014

Sup Guys ;)

I'll still be doing this Im so happy to see you guys and do more stories again!!!!
I'll be startting it soon hopefully I'll continue past events like Halloween ^.^


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hey Ya'll ;)

Hey guys!!!Its been a while and missed you guys ^-^
I have some great news!!!Sadly I still dont have a computer yet I just saw my dad threw the old one away :P
But my mom says I might get it in probably in a week or few Cant wait to make you guys the stories again ^-^
I know I missed Halloween in AJ but I kight do the story of Halloween when I got the computer its gonna be special and thie may be late but....

                              HÃPPÝ HÄĽŁØWĘĖŅ ĞŮÝŞ!!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


So I've been thinking lately that what if I write the storyline without the pictures?I know it looks and sounds boring but I'll placed the pictures till I get a new computer....But this is up to you guys if you want...Or if you have some ideas or sugesstion,Plz share them ^-^

Sunday, September 14, 2014


OMG guys Im sorry but I will not make the next post due to my computer problems and im not sure when I'll get a new one so I wont be posting stories >.<

Saturday, August 23, 2014

#11 The Forbidden of Jamma:PT 1~

Hey guys,today,me and my pals are gonna do some research about my amulet and it looks like we found something at Jamma's Library....

Violet:Uggggghhh!!This is lame!!!Even Agle's asleep!


Heather:She's right...There's nothing in this library at all!

Crystal:*Gasp*Guys,I think I found it!

Will:What's it say?

Crystal:The Forbidden of Jamma...It has a lock?

Flynn:Where are we gonna get a key for this?

Crystal:Why don't we head to school maybe there's something we could use there!

Violet:*Shakes Agle's head*Wake up Agle...


We headed for school and we went into an empty classroom.We lit up the candle and started figuring out how to unlock the book....

Logan:We tried everything but this book ain't gonna open!

Luke:Maybe we could use your amulet?

Crystal:Hmmm...Alright then..*Uses amulet to unlock the book*Its working!!

Logan:(HMMMMM -_________-)


Crystal:Focus,we need to find about my amulet!

Randy:Look!That's the page!

Crystal:*Reads*The amulet was made from the ___________ palace.The gem is so rare that it could ________ all living forms.The gem was made from the harmony within with the powers.Each harmony in the gem represents the 11 plushies.Fire,Thunder,Nature,Ice,Water,Charm,Love,Solar,Teleportation,Dark and Light.3 additional powers were there to control space and time and they are The Past,Present and The __________.That's it??

Heather:Looks like some of the words have been scribbled on..

Will:I couldn't imagined how 11 powers and 3 more are capable on keeping Jamma safe!

Crystal:Yeah,but my mind keeps bugging me that my gem is from a palace but what?

Agle:Maybe a gem like palace?

Flynn:Yeah...but we should be getting home now its dark and I'm afraid of the d-d-dark!!

Crystal:He's right,cmon guys...

While we were walking back home..we saw a shadow like figure passing us by!

Logan:Who the hive is that!??!

Randy:Whatever it is it looks like a phantom!

Agle:Let's follow it then!

We chased after the mysterious shadow and it lead us to a....


Crystal:Agle cant you fly us out!!?!

Agle:I cant my wings dont work for some reason!!!!


We giggled cuz Flynn's scream was funny...And then we continued screaming..


We landed on a hard cold floor.Everyone fainted...And the last thing I saw was..

The shadow figure staring at me...Then I fainted with the others....Plus I'm not sure how I was able to write all of this story but watch and see.............

From your Snow Leopard,


Thursday, August 21, 2014

#10 New and Old~

Hi guys!Today,we had a special new yet old friend of someone!!It all started at Jamma Elemental Junior High...

Crystal:Finally school is back!Can't wait to see what new powers I could learn!

Logan:How did Principal Fuzz had enough gems to afford all of these?But still it looks nice and it looks like our school is ancient :D

Crystal:Yeah!There's even a waterfall for an archway!!AWESOME!!

Crystal:*Bumps someone* I'm sorry I didn't....Wait....

Roselle:Ugh!Watch where you're going!Its bad enough you're able to come here!Huh??*Stares at Crystal's amulet*

Crystal:What?Something interesting about my amulet?

Roselle:You call that an amulet??Ha,pathetic... My accessories are even better than your amulet

Logan:Ugh...Can we leave now???

Roselle:You stay out of this cousin!*Leaves the hall*

Crystal:*Shocks*COUSIN??!!YOU TWO ARE COUSIN!??!!??!I cant handle anymore bad news..why didn't you tell me about this?!?

Logan:Well....Alright she is my cousin but that doesn't mean I like her!

Crystal:Would it that mean Mr.Scaremen is your uncle!?

Logan:Yep O_O

Roselle:*Hides behind wall* I have got to get that amulet,begging wont help..But tricking her does >:)

Mr Scaremen:Good morning class,today we'll be going on a field trip the next 2 weeks

Purple Raccoon:Why do you think Mr Scaremen always show up with scars and bruises??

Brown Monkey:I dont know probably he was fighting something?

Mr Scaremen:Today,we have a new student,please introduce yourself...

Blue Arctic Wolf:Hi guys ^-^ My name is Luke 

Logan: (*Gasp* Luke,what are you doing here?!Why didn't you tell...)

Mr Scaremen:Alright,Luke,sit anywhere you want and we will begin our lesson

Luke:Logan!?!?Is that you over there??!

Logan:Hey,Luke!Why didn't you tell me about this???

Luke:SURPRISE!That's what it is!

They both chatted till recess though Logan was happy to see his old childhood pal again

Crystal:*Bumps into Luke*Oh,I'm sorry!

Luke:Its ok ^-^

Crystal:So,you're the new kid!Nice to meet you I'm Crystal

Luke:Yeah,you know me and what powers do you have?

Crystal:Oh that..I kinda dont have them right now...

Luke:So you dont have powers but was able to get to this school??

Crystal:Yeah,I'll probably get mine sooner ^-^

Luke:So....I was wondering that,do you wanna be partners for the "Heart Experiment"?

Crystal:Of course I would!

Logan:*Stares at Luke and Crystal* *Groans*

Violet:Uh-Oh better watch out plushies cuz somebody's jealous!!!

Logan:When did you 2 get here?!?

Heather:Oh don't worry Logan,we know when someone's jealous alright ^-^

Logan:*Blushes a lot* I AM NOT JEALOUS!!!

Violet:Dude,what do you think my powers were for?I can tell cuz I have the power of L-O-V-E!

Heather:Doesn't that mean that Logan actually likes-

Logan:Don't you dare say it!

Violet:This is gonna be soooo funny wait till the others finds out!
Logan:STOP SPREADING THIS SECRET OKAY!?!?!?!Alright I DO like Crystal but dont you say this to ANYONE!

Violet:Alright,alright you don't have to be a paranoid ^-^''

And then school was over until...

Crystal:Guys!Something's wrong with my amulet!Its glowing a lot!

Flynn:What does that mean then?

Crystal:I dont know but we gotta do something!

Randy:Well we could go to the Jamma Library to check it out.They should have something about amulets there!

Agle:Randy's right!

Crystal:Ok then,we shall meet up at the library to found out about this...

Will:It could be your powers or something...


And then we all left clueless..But we decided to meet up at Jamma's Library..I have a bad feeling about it...

From your Snow Leopard,


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#9 Freedom Forever!~

OMG!Its been a while guys!Sorry I'm busy with school homework practicing some cool powers ^-^"
But anyways,BEST DAY EVER!!!And Looks like we have 3 new friends too!It all started at Flynn's home....

Flynn:Thanks for helping me out guys,I really appreciate doing this for our own Freedom Party!

Crystal:Its the least we could do after you had that accident....

Logan:We only made 2 flags?!

Randy:Gee....This is gonna take forever and the party is due tonight!

Violet:Yeah!We need music,food and obviously....FIREWORKS!!!

Crystal:I'm just gonna take a walk out for a while....I'll be back and probably get some plushies to help too...


*walks out*

Violet:So......................You guys have a crush on anyone?? :D

Logan,Flynn,Randy:*Looks at each other* Let's just keep working........................

Crystal:Man.......This is hard work....We need more plushies too...Agle can handle the fireworks but I'm not sure about the furniture,music and food... :( Maybe a walk would be nice...

I was walking to the township and then I saw a black shadow and then.......


Cheetah:Oh no!I'm so sorry!I was just practicing stuff

Crystal:*Gets up* Oh its ok it was just an accident anyway

Cheetah:The name's Pepsi,yours?

Crystal:Its Crystal

Pepsi:So what are ya doing out here?

Crystal:Just taking a stroll and probably finding help for the Freedom Party...

Pepsi:Oh My Mira!You're hosting your own Freedom Party?!?
Crystal:Yeah,sounds like you wanna help don't you?

Pepsi:Of course I do!!Freedom Party is the best!!Other than some other cool parties but I'll help!
So what do i do?

Crystal:Ok,so maybe we could get some furniture for the party!

Pepsi:Sounds great!The store is just here,come on!

Pepsi:Everyone sure is busy....


Pepsi:What's so funny??

Crystal:*Points to blue lion* 


Crystal:Haha,Anyway,let's check over there

Arctic Wolf:Oops!Almost tripped you guys,sorry ^-^"

Pepsi:Its cool...

Crystal:I've never seen you around here before...what's your name?

Arctic Wolf:I'm Anna,Princess of- *shuts mouth with paws*


Anna:I mean priceless................. O_O


Crystal:So what are you doing?

Anna:Probably attending the Freedom Party....Are you hosting one?


Anna:*gasps* Can I join!??!?


Pepsi:*tummy rumbles* Hmm...I'm kinda hungry....

Anna:I know a restaurant nearby!

Crystal:Let's go there then!

Crystal:Wow,this is one nice restaurant!


Anna:Told you you'll like it!Plus its Grilling Monday!

Green Snow Leopard:Um.......Excuse me but do you know any cupcake or candy shops?

Crystal:Honestly...There is no cupcake or candy shop...Sorry :(

Green Snow Leopard:Darn it! Oh by the way the name's Cupcake!

Anna:Oh Hi!I'm Anna and this is Crystal and Pepsi!

Cupcake:*senses* I can sense you're hosting your own Freedom Party! Can I join???

Crystal:How did you...Never mind but sure you can join!

Cupcake:YAY!!!!!!I cant wait to make cupcakes and more!!

Pepsi:O.O *whispers* Is she from the future???

Crystal:Well,I'm not sure but no...Anyway,she could help us with the food,Anna will prepare the music and you will arrange the items.


We headed to the town to check on my pals and the party is almost starting too!

Logan:Where were you!?

Randy:We finally got Agle for the fireworks.

Crystal:While you were doing some of the work,I got some helping paws for the job! Meet Pepsi,Anna and Cupcake!

Agle:Nice to meet you girls!Well,we better get going the party is about to start!!

Then we each do the job and the party turned out great!It was a total SUCCESS!!

Violet:The fireworks!They're gonna start!!


Agle:Alright this should be easy using my powers.*Uses solar power*

*Fireworks lit up*

Agle:Another job done!*Flys,got caught with the rope*

Everyone:In 5,4




Everyone: 1!!!!!

Agle:OH darn-


Agle:Not awesome!!!!!

Crystal:Let's say the slogan we made guys!

Everyone:Stick together,FREEDOM FOREVER!!!

Then the party was over.Everyone went home and Agle was hurt a lot but he's fine...And the saddest part is...

Pepsi:Well...I guess this is...goodbye :(

Crystal:What do you mean?? Don't you guys live n this part of Jamma?

Anna:No...We all live in different parts of Jamma..We came here since school's off :(

Crystal:But,I wont get to see you guys anymore D:

Cupcake:Cheer up Crystal!We will always be here like in your imagination!And our friendship will always stick together just like you and your pals!

Pepsi:Yeah!Plus,you can get in contact with us too!WITH OUR ADVENTURES!

Crystal:You have a blog or something??

Anna:Yep!Each of us do!! For me its:Anna The Arctic Wolf

Cupcake:Mine is full of cupcakes!Nah,Just kidding haha:Cupcake And Friends

Pepsi:And mine is this:Pepsi The Cheetah

Crystal:Ok,I'll take a look at all of your adventures! *Hugs*

Cupcake:FREEEE HUGS!!!

Pepsi:You don't have to yell haha

Anaa:But still *hugs*

We each said our goodbyes and we all left..I went back home and check their blogs..And turns out,they're adventures are AWESOME!!But this is all for now too...

From your Snow Leopard,
